Dror High School

About Dror High School

The renewed Dror High School is a six-year (grades 7-12), national-religious high school in Jerusalem, under the auspices of the Society for Advancement of Education, Jerusalem.

Dror is a pluralistic, egalitarian, religious high school for boys and girls, which advances social justice. At Dror High School, you can find a variety of identities along the religious, social, and political spectrums.

Dror High School provides a religious, pluralistic education, emphasizing academic excellence and personal development.
Dror High School received recognition for advancing academic achievement during the 2015-2016 academic year.

Dror High School – Religious, Egalitarian, Social

Dror High School includes programs that advance experiential and meaningful study, such as the Smart City Project, Women Leaders for Coexistence, collaboration with the Belmonte Science Labs, Excellence in Mathematics, collaboration with the American Center on a variety of fascinating programs and strengthening of Jewish identity in a number of projects.

The National Digital Learning Program

The school participates in the National Digital Learning Program, and study is carried out digitally, using tablets.
Digital teaching and pedagogy at the school constitute varied, experiential, significant study suited to a variety of learning styles.

The Dror Connection

Dror provides personal support to each student, in various fields: academic, social, and personal.
The relationship between school staff and students is strengthened through individual discussions, and setting and meeting objectives.

The support system includes the “Niot” Learning Center, private tutoring, excellence groups, and adaptation to each student together with appropriate professionals.

Excellence, Work, and Personal Development – Junior-High Electives




Cooking and Nutrition

People and the Earth

Graphic Design

Dror Beit Midrash

Work, Meet, Study

Work, Meet, High School Study

Society and economics, gender and media, inclusion of disabilities, between Israel and the nations, aging, weekly Torah portion and art, social representation in the media